Strength for Runners, Jumpers and Throwers

This video by our Senior Exercise Physiologist Lisa Campbell explains the importance of strength for runners, jumpers and throwers. Strength and conditioning in track and field is often quite reactive especially through adolescence.

There are 6 main points we look at when track and field athletes come in for strength and conditioning.

  1. Pelvic Stability

  2. Force Transfer

  3. Motor Coordination

  4. Strength Foundation

  5. Injury Prevention

  6. Load Management

Depending on the athlete’s specific events, the individual aspects of the program will vary, but these are the main areas of focus. Growth related injuries such as Osgood Schlatters are often a concern with growing track and field athletes and load management is key in preventing injury. Having a periodised strength program is important to both improve performance and manage the biomechanical stress placed on the body.